Hearts of Courage

CHALLENGE & INSIGHT:  Team Heart Rwanda has a bold vision to fight rheumatic heart disease and establish cardiac medicine in East Africa. The mission is multi-layered, involving eradicating disease, surgical repair of severely diseased patients and teaching medicine.  Showing the human stories of both the team and the patients drives an emotional connection and willingness to donate.

SOLUTION:  Produced a 17 minute documentary, 1 minute promotional video and a redesigned site, hosted on Wordpress. Watch the trailer and full film below.

Click to watch full documentary film on Vimeo.

Click to watch full documentary film on Vimeo.

In partnership with the DigitasLBi technology team, we redesigned the TeamHeart.org website and branding. Specific attention was paid to ensuring clean navigation and architecture, across dedicated sections for Mission, Team, Impact and Donation functionality.

Click to visit TeamHeart.org

Click to visit TeamHeart.org

RESULTS: Documentary was featured at the organization’s annual fundraising gala. Significant contributions were captured on the new website. Additional press coverage was attracted with PBS News Hour, New York Times and other major media outlets.

Click to consider a donation to Team Heart.

Click to consider a donation to Team Heart.


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